All Souls Eve Sunday 1st November solo Sing & Patreon Launch

Hello friends,


I’ll be doing a little livestream on evening of Sunday 1st November. An extraordinary assortment of history and lore is imbued in these last autumnal, darkening October days. Hallowe’en, All Souls, All Saints, bonfire night, Samhain… From modern fixations of the macabre via horror fiction and film to deeply pious medieval origins speaking of purgatory, visitation and remembrance alongside witches, magic, ghosts, revenants and all manner of grisly goings on. Like most ‘holi days’ we seem to have long lost many of the old meanings but still hold the rituals and marking of time. As if something in the air calls it. Anyway, in the spirit of this I have been digging out some old songs which touch on such themes and I’ll be having a little sing of them on Sunday night so I hope you can join me. I’ll be solo again but will have my in house tech guru (Gerry Diver) on hand to mix the sound nicely.

I’ll broadcast from my Lisa Knapp Music facebook account here. Also, as I mentioned before I have been getting my Patreon page ready and will be launching it (hopefully!) the same night, seems an auspicious night to do so. I hope the spirits and souls will conjure a sympathetic atmosphere. ..x

Lisa Knapp - All Souls Eve Livecast

From 8pm Sunday 1st November

Donations welcome at