Brand new project, brand new band, yes I’m in a band folks…

Some may remember, way back through the Covid vortex into a past world, I was invited to take part in a project looking at ballads in Oxford’s nay Britain’s jewel which is the Bodleian Library to look specifically at ballad collections with a view to making a live show from the material. It was up my street of course so I jumped at the chance with fellow singers/musicians Sam Lee and Nathaniel Mann. Just before lockdown the good news was that this project (organised by the amazing SoundUK) was going to have a second run. Nice! This time round featuring Nathan, myself and Marry Waterson - ace singer, songwriter and visual/video artist - off we toddled to Oxford and one of Britain’s jewels; the Bodleian Library. Just after our visit the plague descended putting the live project on a great big hold. However, it was this twist of fate which lead to us making an actual album while we were waiting. With uber producer Gerry Diver steering us along Nathaniel, Marry and I together with Laurence Hunt on percussion (Pete Flood as guest percussionist) and Barney Morse-Brown on cello we carved an album out of bones, sweat and 18th century pop songs into existence during that strange time. Now it is ready to be brought into the world and will be released on 10 March on One Little Independent Records. Also I must mention it contains the beautiful artwork of Desdemona McCannon.

Ladies, gentlemen, people of earth I give you…

B L A C K L E T T E R G A R L A N D’